Promoting Your Program & Building Your Group
Once your program has been developed and approved, it’s time to start getting the word out to as many students as you can. To ensure all interested students have the opportunity to travel, start recruiting a year before your departure date to give them as much time as possible to plan and budget for the program. Use the resources and tools below.
Call your Program Consultant
Your dedicated Program Consultant has partnered with hundreds of faculty at hundreds of colleges and universities and will be your best resource for developing a solid, personalized plan. Schedule weekly or bi-weekly phone calls to make sure you’re on track for a successful recruitment.
Your Program Consultant can personalize resources including recruitment flyers, PowerPoint presentations, email templates, posters, FAQ sheets, calendars and checklists for you. Be sure to discuss at least three resources that will work best for your students and institution.
Host a recruitment meeting
Share your excitement for your study abroad program at an informational meeting on campus. Hold informational meetings for newly-interested students, and encourage your enrolled students to invite others to attend. See hosting a recruitment meeting to learn more about hosting a successful meeting.
Use your online tools
Share your Program Enrollment Page (www.efstudyabroad.com/<programnumber>) as often as possible. Students can enroll directly through this site and see essential program information like dates and the itinerary.
Log in at efstudyabroad.com/login to use the “Interested” list on your Group tab to reach out to students who have not yet enrolled. With the click of a button, you can share information about upcoming meetings, deadlines and why you want them to travel with you.
Enlist a team
The most powerful tool for building your group is word-of-mouth promotion. Ask your colleagues, students, Study Abroad Office, Activities Office, Department Chairs, Deans and others to help you share your excitement for the program with students, and be sure to visit their classrooms as well. Give your team copies of the printed resources you’ve received from your Program Consultant to share with students.
Stay focused
It takes time to build awareness and excitement about your program, so don’t be discouraged if students don’t enroll immediately. Instead, continue to generate interest and stay focused on your passion for sharing the transformative experience of travel with students!